Sunday, January 5, 2014


So, we're almost a week into January and I am just now really giving some serious thought to my resolutions for the year...yep, resolutionS.  I don't usually make any resolutions because I always try to do good.  I know that sounds cliché or whatever but really, I do try.  But, with all I've seen on TV and scrolling through my facebook feed reading what my friends will be doing and all the news articles about resolutions, I have started really thinking about what would be most important for me to resolve to do better or even at all this new year.  So, here goes, in no particular order...

  • Be more grateful (more on that in a future post)
  • Lose 5 lbs (or exercise more-again)
  • Eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grains
  • Spend more time outside with the family-find more nature trails near and maybe even a little far away
  • Make my family eat more good stuff and less bad-ha!  Well, that will at least be easier when all this Christmas candy and treats are finally out of the is trash day, hmmm....
  • Read more books (goodreads says only 8 books in 2013...say what??  I swear I read more than that!)
  • Begin meditation and yoga was unbelievable how calm my school year started out when I was taking just 10 minutes to be still and quiet before I started my day.
  • More dates with my husband.  We've not done this nearly enough in 2013. 
  • Actually do for others rather than plan and think about doing for others.
Since I've put it all out here, I am hoping this keeps me more accountable so I can report back on how I'm doing...

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