So, after a lovely Mother's Day all bets were off. Monday started with (louder than Mother's day) bickering and less-than-grateful-ness all around. No one wanted to pitch in, yet expected me to give 200% and have all their laundry done, dishes washed, grocery shopping done and meals prepared. Seriously...
-----This post interrupted by motherly duties (child #2 was sick with strange symptoms and picked up from school earlier in the day and needed tending to)-----
Yeah, I started this post and I did start a strike. You ever tried it before? Been successful? Yeah, me, neither! So, I won't go into the details of my tantrum the day after Mother's Day; I'll spare you. Plus, I kinda forgot since I had to cross over the picket line and get back to work and it's taken me a couple weeks to get back to this.
What I learned, well, not really learned, but realized is well, I am not sure realized is the right word either...Ah, yes, what I was reminded of is there are good days and bad and my kids are really NOT ungrateful but forgetful. Okay, so maybe I am making excuses for their behavior that sometimes borders on entitlement (we're still trying to figure out where this comes from-they do not get the latest and greatest gadgets, they are told "NO!" on a regular basis and have certain expectations that they meet, kinda, sorta, usually) but they are human and so am I, so I am giving myself (and them) a pass and working to be calmer with my voice and more patient with my babies who aren't such babies anymore.
Plus, there are these words from Phyllis Diller...
Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing up is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing.
She was totally on to something, huh?
Seriously, if you have gone on strike, let me know how it went...I know I am not alone!
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