Saturday, February 22, 2014

A Fancy (Valentine) Dinner

We've never been ones to make a huge deal out of  Valentine's Day, though I did get a special delivery at work! It's rare to fall on a weekend, so this year was different.  We planned a nice dinner at home with our boys.  Our oldest had plans with friends (how we're there already, I don't know!).  I'd decided I wanted to make the night a little nicer and more special and thought I would pull out some candlesticks that, honestly have never been used for more than decorative purposes in the 16+ years we've owned them.  Actually, they've been hidden in my candle stash for years.  So, they were happy to see the light, I am sure.  I set the table with placemats, cloth napkins and lit the candles just a few moments before dinner was ready. 
I was amazed at how that really set the mood for our usually, how shall I say...."spirited" 4 year old.  He sat still (only happens when he's sick...really, really sick), used nice manners and his napkin.  He thought the whole candle thing was so cool.  We all enjoyed this nice change of pace for mealtime.  We had nice conversation as usual, but those candles really made for a nicer night.  I hope to do more dinners like this, just to change things up a bit.  I know it won't be hard, as the little one has already asked twice this week for another "fancy dinner."  He loved it so much and was sad his sister didn't get to experience it, so we did it again the next night for her!  Who knew some candles could make such a difference! 
I'm always looking for fun little ways to treat my family.  This was definitely fun and different and will likely be a lasting memory.  I know the night felt more special than any words I can find right now...

"Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory."
~Dr. Seuss

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