Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Resolution Revisit

So...I figured it was time to check myself with these resolutions I made...why, why, why did I make so many?  So, here's my rundown, excuses and all!

  • Be more grateful (more on that in a future post)-So, yeah, I have been thinking about what I am grateful for most days, but haven't taken the time to write it all down as I'd planned...hmmmph...looks like I have some catching up to do.  I do think that taking a moment a few times a week to notice every day things that make me grateful and happy is a great first step, but writing them would help me remember on those days I'm feeling less than grateful.
  • Lose 5 lbs (or exercise more-again)-Well, you see...hmm....I am watching my portions, thanks to my month-long stint with My FitnessPal.  I got frustrated with seeing no weight loss results after a few weeks.  The logging can be tedious, as I cook a lot from scratch, but I think it's a great app and website!
  • Eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grains-Not too bad on this one.  I can always do better.  I am making my own bread and sometimes sub out some whole wheat flour.  That counts, right?
  • Spend more time outside with the family-find more nature trails near and maybe even a little far away-Yeah, so this one's a little tough to report on with the winter we've had.  Once it warms up I will have happier news to report on this one!
  • Make my family eat more good stuff and less bad-ha!  Well, that will at least be easier when all this Christmas candy and treats are finally out of the is trash day, hmmm....-I am cooking a lot more these days, no drive-thru trips at all this year!  They asked for fruit salad (made from fresh fruits, not canned!) just this week. Score one for mom!
  • Read more books (goodreads says only 8 books in 2013...say what??  I swear I read more than that!)-So far, I've read 11/2 this year...on track for 12 books this year at this rate.
  • Begin meditation and yoga was unbelievable how calm my school year started out when I was taking just 10 minutes to be still and quiet before I started my day.-Nothing to report here...
  • More dates with my husband.  We've not done this nearly enough in 2013.-Well, we've had a couple of quiet meals at home after feeding the kids and one official night out.  We also had a quick 36 hour trip out of town. So, I'd say we're doing well so far!
  • Actually do for others rather than plan and think about doing for others.-Our visit to Matthew 25 was a good start!  We're taking our Girl Scout Troop there next month.   Looks like I have work to do here, too. 
All in all, not a bad start.  I am giving myself the whole year and I am continuing to work on all of these things at some point.  Slow, and steady wins the race...right?

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